I have a tradition of decorating gingerbread houses at Thanksgiving. In 2019 it was too hectic to get them decorated. Instead I decorated them at Christmas. With the pandemic this year was more difficult. A beautiful lady made me a gingerbread kit for Christmas. It was full of detail and love.

It even had candy windows and tea lights. It is the fanciest house I have built. Two chimneys, a door with a star window and a gable. I was careful assembling it.

I left the door open, because the door to my house is always open to family and friends. Although I have built gingerbread houses for decades, I don’t have much practice decorating them. I made them for the kids to decorate starting when Andrew was about 6. Everyone had a side to work on. With the grandkids I started to do villages instead of a single house. Everyone had there own house. Olivia was so creative decorating hers. It was wonderful to see them grow up. Mina and her friend Maddie had fun doing houses. Becky andI got to decorate them in 2018. It was the first time we both had a house to work on. Last Christmas I decorated a village with friends. It is always great fun to share the activity. With the pandemic this year it was nice to have a house to decorate. I think it turned out nice. I really like the candy stained glass windows. You can see the tea light shining through one.